Less than a minute later, a woman walks by, looks at Barry's chest and says "What is it?" "It's at tie!" I say somewhat peevishly, but she looks at me quizzically and says, "No it's not." Suddenly I see flashing on Barry's chest, a glowing blue phallus rising up from his waist to his chin. Barry whips it off so fast I don't have time to take a picture, but we're still laughing about it this morning! Back to fairy wings for you, Mr. Stone...
As we left home last night to go the the Festival, I suddenly remember that I have some new neon wire and a controller that I had intended to use to update Barry's fairy wings. Knowing that he doesn't really like wearing wings, I decide to make him a it-up tie instead. I quickly get a hanger out of the closet and begin to bend it into an approximate tie shape. At the garden, assured that all the pieces are lit, I continue in my endeavor to make the tie. I wrap neon wire around the tie shape and even cross it over about 2" down from the top to resemble a knot. I attach a piece of elastic for around Barry's neck, light it up and pull it over Barry's head. Voila!
Less than a minute later, a woman walks by, looks at Barry's chest and says "What is it?" "It's at tie!" I say somewhat peevishly, but she looks at me quizzically and says, "No it's not." Suddenly I see flashing on Barry's chest, a glowing blue phallus rising up from his waist to his chin. Barry whips it off so fast I don't have time to take a picture, but we're still laughing about it this morning! Back to fairy wings for you, Mr. Stone...
6/5/2019 05:32:04 pm
Planning is a great way to do something. In my opinion, we should always try to plan the things that we want to do in our life. Of course, planning something as tough as life is a difficult order to do, but it helps if we can do it. Though, I completely agree with you, not all our plans go as well as we planned them, in fact, failure is more prone to happen. Let us not mourn about it too much though.
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Kim WebsterKim is a glassblower, gardener and choral singer. She is a Canadian transplant, living happily in Oakland, CA with her husband Barry Stone. Archives
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